Bibliographie / webographie - Partie 8
2. Références en anglais
- Berkes, F., Sacred Ecology – Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Resource Management, Taylor and Francis 1999
- Johannes, R.E. 1981. Words of the lagoon: fishing and marine lore in the Palau District of Micronesia. Berkeley, University of California Press.
- Mack, J. 2011. The Sea: a cultural history, Londres, Reaktion Books.
- Ali, S.H. (Ed.), 2007, Peace Parks : Conservation and Conflict Resolution, Cambridge, MIT Press, 406 p.
- White R., 2008, Crimes Against Nature. Environmental Criminology and Ecological Justice, Cullompton, UK, Millan Publ.
- Posey, D. A. (Ed.), 1999. Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity. London: United Nations Environmental Programme & Intermediate
Technology Publications. 731 p. (A télécharger)
- Robbins, P. (2011), Political Ecology, Oxford: Blackwell
Sites web